Cuadro de Merito. Gran Unidad Escolar Pedro A. Labarthe, Lima, Perú; Lima, 23 de Diciembre 1964
Instituto Nacional de Arte Dramatico, Lima, Perú. Constancia de Estudios; Lima, 27 de Abril 1967
Escuela Nacional Superior Autonoma de Bellas Artes, Lima, Perú. Diploma Formacion Magisterial Artistica; Lima, 30 de Diciembre 1968
Escuela Nacional Superior Autonoma de Bellas Artes, Lima, Perú. Titúlo Profesor de Artes Plasticas; Lima, 6 de Enero 1969
Escuela Nacional Superior de Bellas Artes, Lima, Perú. Diploma de Promocion; Lima, 6 de Febrero 1971
Escuela Nacional Superior de Bellas Artes, Lima, Perú. Certificado del Premio ENSABAP 1970; Lima, 26 de Agosto 1971
Escuela Nacional Superior de Bellas Artes, Lima, Perú. Carta de Recomendación; Lima, 9 de Noviembre 1971
Municipalidad de San Isidro, Lima, Perú. Primer Premio Salón de Artes Plásticas de San Isidro; Lima, 28 de Diciembre 1971
Compañia Goodyear del Perú, Lima, Perú. Primer Premio I Salon Anual Goodyear 1972; Lima, 10 de Julio 1972
Consejo Distrital de Miraflores, Lima, Perú. Mencion Honrosa Concurso de Pintura Municipalidad de Miraflores; Lima, 21 de Julio 1972
The British Council, London, UK. Fellowship Award; London, 12 July 1972
The British Council (Y Cyngor Prydeinig), Cardiff, Wales. Extension Award; Cardiff, June 1972
Cardiff College of Art, Cardiff, Wales. Certificate of Studies; Cardiff, 8 December 1972
The British Council, London, UK. Certificate; London, 2 September 1975
Institute of International Education (IIE), New York, NY. Fulbright Award; New York, 22 July 1977
Comision Fulbright, Lima, Perú. Constancia; Lima, 27 de Julio 1977
Commission for Educational Exchange Between United States and Perú, Lima, Perú. Grant Authorization (Fulbright-Hays Act); Lima, July 1977
Pratt Institute, Graduate Program in Art and Design, Brooklyn, NY. Certificate of Studies; New York, 2 February 1978
Word Search Puzzle (Pupiletras), Lima paper. Artes Plásticas en America; Lima, 28 de Septiembre 1983
New York Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY. Artist's Fellowship Works on Paper; New York, 2 April 1985
The Center for Inter-American Relations, New York, NY. The Art of Humberto Aquino, 15 Years of Pictorial Development, Illustrated Lecture; 1 October 1985
New York Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY. Artist–Sponsor Summary Statement; New York, 1 October 1985
Center for Arts Information, New York, NY. Speaker Professional Practices for Visual Artists; New York, 21 May 1986
The Association of Hispanic Arts in Conjunction with the Center for Arts Information, New York, NY. Professional Practices for Visual Artists; 19 June 1986
New York Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY. Panelist 1987–1988, Printmaking, Drawing, Artists’ Books; New York, 20 October 1987
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, Baltimore, MD. Award Mid Atlantic Art Fellowship, Works on Paper; Baltimore, 30 June 1988