VI Subasta Anual de Arte a Favor del Fondo de Adquisiciones del Museo de Arte de Lima
1999 Primer Encuentro Bolivariano de Arte Contemporaneo. Galleria de Arte del Consulado de Venezuela en New York; New York, NY Julio - Agosto 1999
1998 Art Now, Gallery Guide. Wright Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Invitation. Retrospective; Wright Gallery, New York NY
National Arts Guide
The Rise of The Latin American Market Mary-Anne Martin
Chicago, IL
Sotheby’s : 18th, 19th & 20th Century
Latin American Paintings, Drawings
Sculptures and Prints
New York, New York
4th Biennial of Graphic Arts of Cali
Cali, Colombia
Sotheby's : 19th and 20th Century
Latin American Paintings, Drawings,
Il Bienal Iberoamericana de Arte
Instituto Cultural Domecq, México
PB Eighty Four: Modern and Colonial
Museum of Modern Art of Latin America
New Acquisitions
Washington DC
Two Peruvians at OAS
Museum of Modern Art
of Latin America
Homage to Casa de las Américas
Exhibition of Drawings and Prints
La Habana, Cuba
Diez Años de Cultura Andina, Galería de Arte del Acuerdo de Cartagena; Lima, Perú
Sotheby Parke Bernet
Modern Latin American Paintings,
Drawings and Sculpture
1979 De Armas Gallery The Peruvian Exhibition Miami, FL
Arte en Colombia
El Proceso Plástico Peruano en el Siglo XX
Mirko Lauer, Bogotá, Colombia
1978 Humberto Aquino of Peru Museum of Modern Art of Latin America